
Your Favorite Recipe shared right here!

What's your favorite recipe? Why not share it with us - pass on that German culture!

I've had many emails from people who are 2nd and 3rd generation Germans and are recalling foods that Mom or Oma (or perhaps your Dad or Opa) made.

They are looking for a German traditional recipe they remember from their childhood. Perhaps you have it?

I wish I had the recipe for buns that my Papa made. But he's died, and so has my Mutti, and the recipe died with them. Don't let that happen to you.

What's great as well, is adding some of your memories along with the recipes. If you have any background information about the recipe, include that as well. If possible, add pictures - of you, your food, or even of Germany.

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Do you have a favorite recipe? If it's quick and simple, why not share it with us? Perhaps it's a traditional German recipe you've changed in order to make it easier? Or an Italian recipe that you've altered and given a German twist?

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Recipes from Other Visitors

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Berliner Knüppel/ buns 
My father was a baker and I saved that old receipe and some more. Ingredients : 500g Mehl Type 550 40g Hefe 1 teespoon Zucker 1 TSP Salz 150 ml …

Grüne Soße - my Mom's recipe 
I was born and raised in Frankfurt and my Mom made the Grüne Soße a little bit different and I wanted to share her recipe with you. 4 hard boiled eggs …

German Chocolate Cake  
Everybody always told me they loved the German chocolate cake. I always thought they meant a Chocolate Torte. Then they would tell me about it and …

Pfeffernusse (Iced German Gingerbread Biscuits)  
I was searching for this recipe on Pinterest and found this one on YouTube as a tutorial. Am very pleased how they turned out, would have made my …

Chocolate Apple Christmas Cake 
My Oma made this cake every Christmas. She iced it with a white frosting that ran down the sides. She decorated it with little silver balls (candy). It …

Meusebach Whiskey Cookie 
Meusebach Whiskey Cookie 1 1/3 cups honey 2 1/2 cups sugar 4 1/2 cups flour 2 cups pecans - chopped …

Pfundstopf (PoundsPot) 
Funny name you think? Not so, once you read the recipe. I grew up in Bayreuth Germany and I go home to visit my family as often as I can. On one of …

Gebrannte Mandeln, Cinnamon Roasted Almonds 
Gebrannte Mandeln, Roasted Almonds are a treat sold at all the wonderful German Christmas Markets and are sold here in the US as well. Unfortunately, …

Dicke Pfannkuchen (Thick Pancakes) 
This recipe contains both baking powder and Club Soda. Along with the whipped egg whites, they make 4 very thick and fluffy pancakes. I have added blueberries, …

Rumtopf : Fruit preserved in Alcohol 
THIS IS A VERY HIGH ALCOHOL TREAT. IF THAT IS NOT YOUR THING, SKIP THE RECIPE. RUMTOPF is a traditional way to preserve fruit in alcohol. While rum is …

Mohnrolle (Poppy Seed Roll) 
This is a Silesian recipe for a poppy seed roll. A mix between a cake and a sweet bread. Not overly sweet, however. Good quality poppy seeds can be hard …

Gebackener Karamel-Apfel Pfannkuchen (baked caramel-apple pancake) 
The recipe has been floating around in my family for a long time. It is ine of those recipes, that was made by adding ingredients, mix, cook and bake “until …

Kalter Hund 
Kalter Hund is a well known birthday cake in Germany. I enjoyed having it for several years in a row on my birthday. Kalter Hund Recipe by : Andreas's …

Heidi's Bavarian Apple Strudel  
My mother always made Apple Strudel as a main meal. Our family just loved it. When she moved into a Seniors Lodge I missed having Strudel so I decided …

Quark Stollen 
I fell in love with Stollen first time i tasted it in 1985 where I spent two months in Germany to learn German language in Blaubeuren in the months December …

Potato Dumplings (Kartoffelknödel) 
This is my favorite recipe for potato dumplings that give you light and fluffy dumplings. Makes 8 dumplings Ingredients: 2 lbs potatoes (I prefer …

Quark Auflauf 
If Quark is available, this is a tasty recipe to try. The auflauf is moist, light and fluffy. I suppose, ricotta could be substituted but I haven’t tried …

Mixes for Lebkuchen and Spekulatius 
These are the mixes I use, they are in bulk. Keep in a tight-sealing jar in the pantry. You won’t need more than, at most, a tablespoon at a time. The …

Niederbayerische Lebkuchen 
Here is the Lebkuchen recipe my family uses. The dough can rest in the fridge for several months. The famous German bakeries make the dough for next Christmas …

Mandelspekulatius/Almond Speculaas + Spice Mix 
This Christmas recipe has been in my family for a long time. The dough is what is called a “Lagerteig”, a storable dough. The dough rests unbaked to let …

Lori's Apple Tart 
Apple Tart: 300 g Flour 2 tsp baking powder 100 g sugar l tsp vanilla 1 egg l egg white 150 g butter l tsp milk pinch of salt Filling: 3 pounds apples …

Sour Cream Plum Kuchen 
1 cup butter, softened 2 cups sugar 4 eggs beaten 1 cup sour cream 1 tablespoon lemon flavouring 1 tablespoon baking powder 1/4 tsp baking soda …

Guglhupf meatloaf 
I had seen this one in a video on the internet a while ago and decided to give it a try using my own meatloaf recipe. I tried to translate it into English …

Spicy Apple Cake 
1 Cup Sugar 3 Eggs 1 Cup Oil 1 Cup Milk or Mineral Water 1 TSP Vanilla 1 TBS Cinnamon 3 Cups Flour 1 TSP Baking powder Pinch Salt Mix all to …

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Zwiebelkuchen (Onion Tart) 
Zwiebelkuchen Dough: 1 Pkg dry yeast 150 ml warm milk 1/2 TSP Sugar 1/2 TSP Salt 300 g Flour Let dough rest for 1 hour. Then put on a baking …

Sauerteig 10-Korn Landbrot (Sourdough 10-grain Farmers Bread) 
German Landbrot (farmers bread), heavy, dense with a crunchy crust. With some toppings a meal by itself. For those people that have a sourdough starter …

A Rumtopf is made by steeping fruit or berries in rum. When it's complete, you can bottle the liquid and serve it as a liqueur or cordial, and the fruit …

Griess Kloeschen  
Griess Kloesschen go with any Fruit compote..or if you add a little spice to the Griess, they are a wonderful addition (as a smaller version) to any …

Kirsch-Blaubeer Kaltschale mit Griesklösse (Cold Cherry-Blueberry Soup with Cream of Wheat Dumplings) 
The recipes are pretty simple, they have been passed down verbally to me from my Oma, not written down, measurements may not be 100% correct, and I changed …

Bread Machine Pretzels  
I love pretzels. My mother and father immigrated from Bavaria Germany shortly after WWII. Pretzels were not available in Canada, so my mother made …

Bechamel Kartoffeln (Bechamel Potatoes 
For 4 - 6 servings: 4 large potatoes 4 slices of diced bacon 2 tablespoons olive oil 1 large onion, diced 2 cloves garlic, diced 4 tablespoons flour …

Haschee - Hackfleischsosse mit Kartoffel-Karottenbrei 
My Mutti used to make this dish often back in Germany First peel potatoes and carrots and cook till tender. I used 2 pounds of sirloin ground beef, …

Zwieback Kuchen 
200 gr butter 200 gr sugar 10 egg yolks 3 tsp vanilla 1 tbsp rum extract Mix all ingredients above Then mix 250 gr Zwieback (blended to powder) 3 tsp …

Sauerkrautkuchen - Sauerkraut Cake 
Sauerkrautkuchen ist eine Art Quiche. Blätterteig in mundgerechte Stücke schneiden und aufs Blech legen. Aus Sauerkraut, Salz, Pfeffer, ein paar Kräutern, …

Homemade Sauerkraut - Fermented Cabbage 
Look up the health benefits of fermented cabbage - you may never want to be without it --- and it tastes great! 1 head of cabbage, thinly sliced (great …

Milchreis Auflauf with Peaches 
My Grandmother has wonderful recipes and I just love to cook after them. I usually don't give out her recipes, but for this time I'm making an exception, …

This is a Silesian recipe, that is traditionally served only on Christmas and maybe New Year. I think it is sometimes also called Mohnklöße, or Mohnkließla, …

Pfeffernüsse / Peppernuts 
Pfeffernüsse – Marie Ollenburger's Peppernuts via Lois Ollenburger and her daughter, Lynda. Marie was my dad’s mother, my grandmother, and at our house, …

Cheese Strudel 
Ever since I saw your recipe for making strudel with puff pastry; there has been no stopping me. Just made cheese strudel. Ingredients: 1 pkg Puff …

I learned to make Blaukraut over the years, making some adjustments here and there, and I carry this recipe in my head. It's a little more mellow than …

Apfel-Kirschkuchen (Apple Cherry Cake) 
Mein Mann und Ich vermissen die Deutsche Bäcker, so er sagte zu mir, "warum backst du eigentlich nicht mehr?" Denn als wir in Germany lebten backte ich …

German Cheese Cake 
I got this recipe from my German friend, Marianne, more than 50 years ago. I've baked it many, many times and it is always a hit. Preheat oven to 350 …

Erdbeer-Joghurt-Sahne-Torte (Strawberry-yogurt-cream-torte) 
Ingredients : 1 baked 3-egg biskuit* 1-1/2 lb strawberries 1 32 oz container Greek Yogurt 3/4 cup sugar (a bit more if you like it sweeter) …

Raffaelo Torte 
One of my family's favorites! 1 biscuit layer made with: 6 eggs, separated 2 Tbsp warm water 200g sugar 75g flour 75g corn starch …

Mascarpone-Cappuccino Torte 
One of my family's favorites ! 1 Chocolate biscuit layer (make a biscuit with 3 eggs separated, 100g sugar, 35.2g flour, 35.2g unsweetened cocoa, …

Leg of Lamb 
I was given this recipe for "Weinende Lammkeule" already translated. I sometimes omit using the garlic in the lamb because some people find it makes the …

Hefe Knoedel 
This is my Mom's recipe for her Hefe Knoedel . About 300g plain flour, 2 eggs, salt. Flour, yeast, sugar. Make a spongy starter dough from …

New York Cheesecake 
My dad loves cheesecake, so I’m adamant to put in a recipe that pays homage to his sweet tooth. New York has a love affair with two types of cheesecake, …

Gebrannte Mandeln  
Not often found in the US, "Gebrannte Mandeln" in German (literally translated "burnt almonds) are most often purchased at open air markets such as "Kirmes" …

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Cream of Whatever Soup 
I'd like to share a recipe with you that has been handed down for many generations. I know it as my Oma's, "Cream of Whatever Soup." It was passed down …

Lentil soup (Linsensuppe) 
The Northern German way, which is sweet/sour, of Lentil soup my Mutti makes. (if you don't like it sweet/sour, just leave out the sugar and vinegar). …

Mom Rose's Cucumber Salad 
Cucumber Salad from Mom Rose's Recipe Ingredients: 2 Cucumbers ( will make enough for approximately 2-4 people ) 1 medium Onion 1 small …

Apfelkuchle (apple fritters) 
I have very fond memories of my Oma and mother making this for me and my sister when were young. We could hardly wait for them to come out of the pan …

Bavarian Apple Strudel 
This was my Dad's recipe for the apple strudel he made at his restaurant. I was really proud to be able to keep making it for our customers after he passed …

Hungarian Cucumber Salad 
Ungarische Gürkensalat (Hungarian Cucumber Salad) Even better than the German Cucumber Salad, was my father's Hungarian Cucumber Salad. If you never …

Gurkensalat (German Cucumber Salad) 
My mother's family come from Berlin/ Oranienberg. This is the cucumber salad we had quite often, but mostly in the summer! 3 - 4 (or more) cucumbers, …

Bayerisches Fleischsalat 
We first enjoyed this at the German Festival in Hunter My., New York and now we enjoy it often, especially in the summer! Here is another great lunchtime …

Curt's Runzas 
Runzas Serves 10 Dough Ingredients: 4 1/2 cups all-purpose flour, divided 1/4 cup sugar 2 (0.25-ounce) packages active dry yeast 1 teaspoon …

Oma's Pflaumenstreusel vom Blech 
I miss my Oma's cooking and baking! She had a way of making it look like magic, the way she threw a pinch of this and a handful of that into a pot and …

Stuffed Lamb (my recipe) (Cordero mechado) 
Ingredients: • 1 boneless leg of lamb • 1 green pepper • 1 red pepper • 4 carrots • 3 onions • 3 slices of bacon cut into strips • 1/2 …

Ingredients: 1 Duck 10 Broetchen or 1 bread loaf 2 cups of warm milk (not hot) 1 Tsp Salt 1/2 Tsp Black Pepper 1 Onion 1 Cup Parsley …

Smellysdeli bread (Artisan Style no Kneading) 
Ingredients: 5.5 cups flour 1 cup rye flour 1/4 cup garlic powder, handful of u/s sunflower seeds, handful of caraway seeds, 1 cup …

Fast Gnocchi or Potato Knoedeln  
I use Idaho potato flakes, instead of cooking the potatoes, peeling, etc. 2 cup. Idaho instant potato flakes 2 cup warm water 2 egg yolks 1 cup flour …

This is one of the comfort foods my mom used to make. I knew I had this recipe somewhere in my belongings and I just could not find it. I finally found …

Easy Potato Pancakes 
This recipe has been in our family almost forever. I copied it from my mother and our kids loved them. 6 Med to Large potatoes, peeled 1 small …

Onion Tart - Zwiebelkuchen 
Onion Tart Ingredients: 4,4 oz all purpose flour ¼ package yeast (about 0.35 oz) 1 tablespoon oil 1 pinch of salt 1/3 cup warm water 3.5 …

Stewed Plums and Vanilla Pudding 
I got this from my mother-in-law in Germany and have been making it ever since. Quick and easy! I am a Canadian with Romanian parents, who married …

The Igel Has Landed 
We made an Igel every year for Easter Sunday Dessert with my mother who came to the country in 1923. Now I make it with my grandchildren. IGEL (Hedgehog) …

Meat Loaf with Hidden Eggs 
Here's what I love to make for Easter when there are kids around. The German word for meatloaf is "Falscher Hasse" meaning "Fake Rabbit" and what's better …

Paska....Easter Buns 
Love this recipe..My mom used to bake them in coffee tins...they were so yummy! It's Easter again and who can resist a paska bun??? In a blender …

Smokey Split Pea Soup 
I grew up eating Split Pea my whole life and it is one of my favorite soups, my children love it too. I raised my children the same way I was raised you …

This is a special Christmas light watching wine. I make this every year for the holidays. The guys would drive and the ladies would have this while we …

This has been one of my all-time favorites, my Oma made for me when I was little. She would put it in milk or broth. It is great in milk for breakfast, …

Rolladen and Eier Likor 
“ This was what our mum would make every Christmas Eve, we still carry this tradition on. ” Ingredients: 8 thin round steaks 1/2 small tin …

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Bratwurst Skillet 
Inspired by my love of German food that I grew up eating in Cincinnati, OH, and my 2 years in Germany with the US military. BRATWURST SKILLET 1.5 …

Cheese Blintzes 
Everybody's favorite and always hope for them to turn out. Very traditional first thing in the morning. And one of my favorites! 8 oz. cottage cheese; …

This is a recipe brought over to USA by German-Bohemian Immigrants. Flakels 6 Idaho potatoes, peeled, boiled, cooled, mashed Equal amount of white …

This is my grandma's family recipe. Similar to perogies but filled with dry cottage cheese and the dough is made with potatoes and flour. 14 raw russet …

My Best Potato Soup Recipe 
I just wanted to let you know what a wonderful site this is!!! I just stumbled upon it today as I was looking for a Sauerbraten recipe like my Grandmother …

I went to live with an Aunt & Uncle. The aunt's mom used to make these when money was tight. It was a filling meal, and depending on your taste, you could …

Kartoffelklösse, Rotkohl & Beef Flatladen 
I made the Kartoffelklösse to go with the Beef Flatladen and Rotkohl . It was so good, my invited friend and my hound dog asked for seconds! Although …

Scripture Cake Recipe 
I came across this cake some time ago. It was first popular in the 1800's. The recipe is written as a riddle that can be solved by finding ingredients …

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Words to the Wise

"A single rebuke does more for a person of understanding than a hundred lashes on the back of a fool."

Proverbs 17:10 (NLT)

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PHOTOGRAPHY: Throughout my site, you'll find mostly photos that I've taken in my kitchen. I also feature some reader-contributed images and curated stock IMAGES BY Deposit Photos and others, offering further perspectives on recipes and all things German.