by Eva Maria
(Grosse Pointe Park, MI)
Funny name you think? Not so, once you read the recipe.
I grew up in Bayreuth Germany and I go home to visit my family as often as I can. On one of those visits my sister happened to make this dish that a friend had given her the recipe for and everybody loves. It is so easy to make, so lecker and can easily be adjusted to your family's taste buds.
Best of all, it can be prepared the night before, except for the baking, placed in the fridge and put in the oven the next day. The marinating overnight, seems to intensify the flavor and you can enjoy time with your company.
2 Dosen Tomaten, geschält oder 8 frische Tomaten
1 Pfd. Räucherbauch (I use double smoked bacon)
1 Pfd. Zwiebeln
1 Pfd. Schweinegulasch
1 Pfd. Rindergulasch
1 Pfd. Paprika ( gemischt grün, rot, gelb )
1 Pfd. Hackfleisch
1 Pfd. Kassler geräuchert
Alles würfeln.
Alles der Reihe nach in einen Bräter schlichten.
2 Gläser oder eine Flasche Schaschliksauce mit 2 Bechern süßer Sahne verrühren und über das Fleisch giessen. NICHT VERRÜHREN.
2 1/2 Stunden bei 200 Grad braten lassen. Zuerst mit Deckel und die letzte Stunde ohne.
Stangen Weißbrot oder Reis dazu!!!
= = = = = = = = = =
Schaschlik Sauce
1/2 bottle of Ketchup about 2 cups
1 16 oz can of Tomato Puree
1/2 cup of water
1 Tbsp of curry or more to taste
1 Tbsp of paprika or to taste
1 Tbsp of sugar,
salt and pepper to taste,
1 Tbsp of Worcestershire sauce
1 onion finely chopped (I like sweet onions)
Saute onion in a small amount of olive oil, I use garlic olive oil, add all other ingredients. Bring to a boil, turn down heat and simmer until slightly thickened. Adjust taste to your liking. If you like some kick, add a bit of tabasco.
2 cans of tomatoes or 8 fresh tomatoes peeled
1 pd of double smoked bacon
1 pd of onions
1 pd of beef, can be sirloin or chuck or round steak
1 pd of pork loin
1 pd of ground round at least 80% fat free
1 pd of smoked pork (I use smoked pork chops, cut them up, but use the bones and place them in the bottom of the pan for flavor)
1 pd of red and green peppers
Cut all meat into bite size pieces
Chop onions, peppers and tomatoes into smaller pieces.
Layer it all into a roaster. I alternate meat with the vegetables.
Mix the Schaschlik Sauce with a carton of half and half, the pint size. They use whip cream in Germany, but we are trying to watch our fat intake. I have used fat free half and half and that worked fine also. Pour that over the meat. Do not mix it up.
Cover and bake at 350 for the first 1 1/2 hour, uncover and bake one more hour.
Serve over Rice or with Baguette.
I make the dish the night before, but do not bake it. Cover it, place it in the fridge. The flavor intensifies while marinating overnight. I take it out an hour before baking so it gets to room temperature. All you have to do is the rice, slice the bread and maybe a salad. No muss, no fuss, enjoy your company.
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Mar 10, 25 08:35 PM
Mar 09, 25 11:21 AM
Mar 07, 25 04:08 PM
Words to the Wise
"When people do not accept divine guidance, they run wild. But whoever obeys the law is joyful."
Proverbs 29:18 (NLT)