
Zwiebelkuchen (Onion Tart)

by Nicole
(Würzburg, Germany)


1 Pkg dry yeast
150 ml warm milk
1/2 TSP Sugar
1/2 TSP Salt
300 g Flour

Let dough rest for 1 hour. Then put on a baking sheet (like Pizza)

2 lbs Onion, cut in thin strips
150 g Bacon, cut in thin strips
Put in Pan and cook till onions are glassy
spread over dough.
In a bowl combine 400 g Sour Cream, 3 Eggs, Salt, fresh Pepper and Nutmeg.
Pour evenly over Onions.

Bake 350°F/ 30-40 Min.
Serve warm.

It's a traditional dish served to the fresh grape cider in the fall in Franconia.

Comments for Zwiebelkuchen (Onion Tart)

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by: Gerhild

NIcole, that sounds sooooo gooood! It reminds me of the first time I had this on my first trip back to Germany many years ago. Together with the Federweisen ... a real feast!

Oma Gerhild

by: Lili

Nicole ich komme auch von Würzburg ich been in der Zellerau aufgewachsen

Onion tart
by: Dona Halad

This was my Dad's favorite.....growing up, we had a neighborhood bakery(a German one) that made this occasionally, Dad could eat most of it by himself...Our family is mostly German....

Onion tart
by: Anonymous

I had onion tart on our last trip to Berlin and I loved it! It was a light dough with custard on top. Very savory! I tried this recipe and it was more like bread with onion topping? What did I do wrong.


You actually did nothing wrong. The above recipe is for the onion tart that is famous in certain parts of Germany. What I think you're actually referring to is Flammkuchen. The "custard" on top is usually a type of crème fraîche, but Greek yogurt works well.

Give this recipe a try. I think you'll like it.

~ Oma Gerhild :)

by: Carrie T

I have so wanted a recipe for this yummy treat I indulged in every harvest time with federweißer when I lived in Biebelried!

Onion Type
by: A. Schnell

All the recipes I've seen for Zwiebelkuchen say "onions"... does not say what type. Nicole, what onions are best for this recipe please?

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