
Heidi's Bavarian Apple Strudel

by Heidi Lindberg

Heidi's Bavarian Apple Strudel

Heidi's Bavarian Apple Strudel

My mother always made Apple Strudel as a main meal. Our family just loved it. When she moved into a Seniors Lodge I missed having Strudel so I decided to make my own.

My sister lives in Burghausen, Bavaria and she gave me her recipe for the dough. I had to adjust the flour as she said our flour was stronger than the German flour. She used 500 grams of flour..

2 3/4 cups all purpose flour
2 large eggs
1 tsp salt
1 cup water
2 tbsp vegetable oil

Combine all ingredients and thoroughly knead for about 10 minutes.
Place into a bowl and cover so that it doesn't dry out. This dough must rest for at least an hour.
My sister would make the dough the night before to let it rest for the night.
Cut the dough into four equal pieces.
Roll the dough out as thin and big as possible. The dough will be a bit sticky and very elastic.
Spread with sour cream (not too thick), then sprinkle with granulated sugar.
Peel and core 5 or 6 apples for each quarter dough. I use Macintosh or Sparten Apple. Sprinkle with cinnamon and add raisins if so desired.
Arrange the Apple mixture over the rolled out dough. Carefully roll the dough like you would for cinnamon buns. Place into 9x13 inch baking pan. There will be room for 3 rolls.
Warm up some milk and pour over the Strudel just to cover. Sprinkle with a bit of sugar.
Bake in preheated oven 350 degrees until golden brown and the milk has evaporated.
Serve hot plain or with whipping cream .

I sometimes bake a small one just for me. If I had company coming I would bake all together in a bigger pan. My mom would take two casserole dishes and bake one and freeze the other (with no milk). She would add the milk when she baked it (not thawed).


Note from Oma Gerhild:

You may want to start with just a bit less flour and add the rest (or more) if necessary. The amount of flour is dependent on the moisture content, which varies with the season and the brand. As Heidi says you are aiming for a dough that is "bit sticky and very elastic".

Comments for Heidi's Bavarian Apple Strudel

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Just like my mom's strudel
by: Anonymous

This apple strudel looks exactly like the one my grandma and mom made in Germany, Bavaria. They too served it warm as a main meal. For the filling we had apple, sugar, roasted nuts, raisins and some cinnamon. They always brushed the strudel with whipping creme before baking which gave it a delicious crust.

How big?
by: T. Koeller

You wrote to roll out as big as possible. About how big should it be? I don't have a lot of room, so have to plan were to roll out the dough.

memories of childhood
by: Anonymous

This took me back to my childhood. My Großmutter would make this for me when I was young. I have only again started making the old dishes. Yes even after nearly 50 years they are still the best dishes you can have and they are real food too, not like the stuff you get in stores.

Just like grandmas!
by: Anonymous

Almost exactly like my grandma used to make although she would make 1 large one and cook in a turkey roasting pan!

How much milk
by: Edeltraud Anonymous

It must take quite a bit of milk to cover the Strudels, or did I understand it wrong? Did you mean like have way up and the tops are not covered?
Thanks for clarifying it

Interesting alternative
by: Linde

My Mum was Bavarian and she made this type of strudel. She used a very plain dough of just flour salt and water. Similar filling. The main difference is she baked the strudels for 30 mins before pouring enough milk to almost cover (to brown). Then she basted them every 20 mins or so until nicely browned, maybe an hour? or hour and a half?

by: Kuba

20 to 24 apples seems like a lot. Is this correct?


Until Heidi answers, I would think it really depends upon the size of the apples. She said that she uses 5 or 6 for each quarter dough. Since she's just slicing them and putting them on top of the dough before rolling it up, I'd probably take several apples (depending on the size) and see how many it takes to cover one dough first. And, I'd would probably just bake one the first time and see how it turns out. That way you'd know how full you'd like it.

Additional info
by: Oma Gerhild

You will need about ¾ cup of sour cream to spread over the dough before adding the apples.

For the amount of apples, it will depend upon their size. Start with about 5 apples for one strudel and see if it's full enough for you.

You will need about ½ to 1 cup of milk to cover the strudels for baking. Ideally, use a baking dish that the strudels just fit in, so you won't need as much milk. The milk will evaporate during baking, helping to give the shiny brown color.

This apfelstrudel tastes best when it is served in the traditional Bavarian way, with vanilla sauce.

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