by: Gerhild Fulson / Using her extensive experience and cultural knowledge, Oma Gerhild provides trusted, authentic, and easy-to-follow German recipes both here and in her many cookbooks.
Make this sour cream salad dressing, Sauerrahm-Dressing, seasoned with dill or your favorite herbs. Then pour it over lettuce for one of our traditional German spring salad recipes.
I use this for mixed salads, lettuce salads, even cucumber salads. It's really such a quick and easy way to make a salad dressing, there's no need to buy prepared mixes. German food from scratch is always better :)
My favorite and my family's favorite is a salad dressing that is a bit sweet and sour and flavored with dill, preferably fresh.
Let me just add here, if you'd like to try something a bit different and love blue cheese (I admit, it's one of my favs), then try this Chunky Blue Cheese Dressing.
So, let's get on to making this northern German favorite salad dressing, but first ...
My dear German friend, Heidi, who comes from northern Germany, shared with me her recipe for this dressing. It's almost identical to mine below, but she uses heavy cream instead of the sour cream. Mix it up really well with the lemon juice, and it will almost 'whip' up a bit. Yummy!
This dressing, and variations of it, are traditional for a cucumber salad, but tastes so great on a lettuce salad as well. That was, to me, a "eureka" moment when I tried it for the first time.
I mean, it was THE dressing that always went on the cucumber salad. In fact, any dressing left over in the bowl after all the cucumbers slices were removed, was quickly scooped up by whoever got there first.
Why I never thought of putting over a lettuce salad really dumbfounds me. But the first time I did, it became a favorite!
This is the Dill-Rahm-Sosse or Sauerrahm-Dressing that's so popular in nothern Germany!
... that this simple side dish is one of the TOP 10 traditional side dishes to serve with Rouladen? Really.
Make this sour cream salad dressing flavored with dill or your favorite herb. Then pour it over lettuce for one of our traditional German spring salad recipes.
I use this for mixed salads, lettuce salads, even cucumber salads.
Prep Time
5 minutes |
Cook Time
none |
Total Time5 minutes |
Makes 4 servings
* * * * *
Unless otherwise noted recipe, images and content © Just like Oma |
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Mar 10, 25 08:35 PM
Mar 09, 25 11:21 AM
Mar 07, 25 04:08 PM
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"Wise people treasure knowledge, but the babbling of a fool invites disaster."
Proverbs 10:14