by: Gerhild Fulson / Using her extensive experience and cultural knowledge, Oma Gerhild provides trusted, authentic, and easy-to-follow German recipes both here and in her many cookbooks.
I was just asked how to make mayonnaise, German-style. Well, in reality, there's one basic recipe for mayonnaise, German or not.
It's just a mixture (emulsion) of oil, egg yolk, and an acid, such as vinegar or lemon juice. The method is important so that it doesn't separate as you mix it.
So here, let me show you how to make this so easily with several different versions, that you can use for your German recipes.
Once you've made your homemade mayonnaise, check out all the places you can use this, in the salads below.
Then, when you've got the method down, try Melissa's spicy mayo recipe. It may not be German, but it's totally delicious!
I hear this all the time, especially from my Facebook fans. And, I find this really funny since I'm German and I grew up with mayonnaise.
Germans have a love/hate relationship with mayonnaise. Some will say Germans never use it, but others say they always use it!
The reason? It all depends where in Germany you live/come from. Generally speaking, if you use mayo, it probably means you come from the northern part of Germany.
So, you can probably tell where I'm from. The northern part ... well, not really that north, but around the Berlin area.
The most common places I use this mayonnaise is in my potato salads, egg salad, and tuna salad. In fact, it works perfectly any place mayonnaise is requested ... because it's real mayonnaise ... just homemade. In fact, I think you'll like this a lot better than the type you can buy.
And it's perfect, because once you master the method, you'll find it so easy to make whenever you need it. Try it. I think you'll love it.
How to make mayonnaise, German-style? Well, in reality, there's one basic recipe for mayonnaise, German or not.
It's just a mixture (emulsion) of oil, egg yolk, and an acid, such as vinegar or lemon juice. The method is important so that it doesn't separate as you mix it.
Prep Time
10 minutes |
Cook Time
none |
Total Time10 minutes |
Makes 1 cup
Aioli - Garlic Mayonnaise:
* * * * *
Unless otherwise noted recipe, images and content © Just like Oma |
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Mar 26, 25 05:06 PM
Mar 10, 25 08:35 PM
Mar 09, 25 11:21 AM
For the full recipe, scroll up ...
Words to the Wise
"Wise people treasure knowledge, but the babbling of a fool invites disaster."
Proverbs 10:14