by: Gerhild Fulson / Using her extensive experience and cultural knowledge, Oma Gerhild provides trusted, authentic, and easy-to-follow German recipes both here and in her many cookbooks.
Valentine's Day in Germany is a very special day!
This holiday is a time to show the one you love just how much you appreciate them. Whether that means cooking a nice romantic dinner for them or buying flowers and chocolates in a lovely heart-shaped box. Even a small gesture like a sweet card can go a long way!
It's not always necessary to go above and beyond with gifts. Sometimes it's just the little things in life that are cherished the most!
Make some yummy hearts for your Sweetheart! Cookies, that is!
Germany did not catch onto Valentine's Day traditions as quickly as other countries did in the 1700-1800's. But the idea of sending cards and notes to loved ones did become a popular gesture all across Great Britain at this time.
It's one of those non-German German holidays -- something that really wasn't celebrated until after the Second World War. Thanks to the Americans who brought their customs and traditions to Germany with them, this giving and cherished holiday is now even more recognized across Europe.
Since LIEBE (love) is something that is infectious, this special celebration for lovers just couldn't stay away from Germany!
Not as commercial as it is in other countries, Germans still do like to celebrate this day to show their love to one another. Since there are no traditional German recipes for this imported holiday, you are free to decide how and what you will do to make this a special day.
I find it interesting that the most traditional of all German meals is also our favorite. A very basic meat and potatoes, German-style.
That means, rouladen and gravy, potato dumplings, and red cabbage. For dessert, it's Black Forest Cake made in the traditional way.
Try some of these popular meal ideas below! Just think of how thrilled your wife would be to come home to the smell of one of these scrumptious meals in the oven!
Does your Süße (Sweetie) love Rouladen? Then, that's what you'd make.
Does your Schätzchen (Treasure) love Kaiserschmarrn? Then that's what you'll be making.
Does your Liebchen (Love) enjoy a nice homemade bread loaf? Try making this fluffy Artisan Bread !
And remember, Schokolade (chocolates) and Blumen (flowers) are always welcomed by your Liebchen (Love). Dinner out and an intimate gift are wonderful, too. Don't forget to tell your Valentine, "Ich liebe Dich !" ("I love you!") and seal it with a Kuss (kiss).
Below is an example of what I made for a special meal for my wonderful hubby as we celebrated our 50th anniversary year!
It is always a treat to come home to a baked good from your honey, knowing they made it especially for you!
But do you ever get stumped at the idea of what to bake? Something sweet? Something savoury? Hmmm...
Here we have some decadent desserts for you to try out! Your love will surely be impressed if you present one of these gorgeous cakes after a home cooked meal! :)
Try this yummy Strawberry Torte, and decorate with heart shaped berries...
How about this Traditional Black Forest Cake?
Or these scrumptious Almond Bars!
As I mentioned earlier, something as simple as a hand written note or card can mean oh-so much to someone!
But do you ever find a really beautiful card, get your pen ready, open it up, then completely draw a blank? You can admit it, it happens to the best of us. We've all had that moment when we have no idea what to say or write.
For just in case that moment happens again, here are some ideas as to what you can put in your sweetie's card :)
Ich liebe dich - I love you
Du hast meine liebe für immer - You have my love forever
Habe ich dir in letzter Zeit gesagt, dass ich dich liebe? - Have I told you I love you lately?
Ich liebe dich bis zum Mond und zurück. - I love you to the moon and back.
There are so many versions of where Valentine's Day originates from. Just googling will bring up many sites that seem to repeat what the others are saying. Basically, no one really knows!
One thing that is common though, is that now-a-days, this celebration is one of LOVE!
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Meet with us around Oma's virtual table, pull up a chair, grab a coffee and a piece of Apfelstrudel, and enjoy the visit.
Mar 26, 25 05:06 PM
Mar 10, 25 08:35 PM
Mar 09, 25 11:21 AM
Words to the Wise
"Timely advice is lovely, like golden apples in a silver basket."
Proverbs 25:11 (NLT)