by: Gerhild Fulson / Using her extensive experience and cultural knowledge, Oma Gerhild provides trusted, authentic, and easy-to-follow German recipes both here and in her many cookbooks.
You’ll LOVE this German Chocolate Cream Torte aka Schokosahne Torte. The frosting is OH SO WUNDERBAR and made in a surprisingly easy way. And the cake. Pure German deliciousness!
Claudia Conley, one of our Kaffeeklatscher Facebook fans has sent in her recipe to share with us all.
Thankfully, it's so easy to make even though it looks like it came straight from a German bakery. The chocolate cream is the simplest recipe, but you'll want to plan this the day before by getting it ready first.
Claudia sent in the recipe (in German) that she received from her friend, Ilse Schlund. It's one of those recipes that's been passed from friend to friend!
I've translated it here below. The German version, as sent in, is at the bottom of the page.
Above is my granddaughter, Lydia. Yes, the same Lydia who now helps me with this website. This photo, though, is from years ago, when she mastered this cake.
Below is the photo of Claudia's cake. Looking at these two cakes lets you realize that you can be as creative as you wish with the decorating.
The best part of this cake is truly the chocolate cream. So rich and not too sweet. Do make sure you buy the best bittersweet chocolate you can.
For the cake that Lydia made, I purchased Ghirardelli for her frosting and it turned out delicious.
My granddaughter, Lydia, made this for her 14th birthday celebration, by herself for the first time! It's topped with Twix bars (cut in half), her favorite. Choose your favorite chocolate bar to top yours. Wunderbar!
I'm so glad that Claudia posted this onto the Facebook page. It had so many requests for the recipe, that I asked her if she'd be willing to share it here. I'm so glad that she agreed!
Chocolate Cream Torte, aka Schokosahne Torte, is one of those most traditional German cakes that everyone loves.
Thankfully, it's so easy to make! The chocolate cream is so easy to make, but you'll need to make this the day before making the cake.
Prep Time
30 minutes |
Bake Time
60 minutes |
Total Time90 min +24 hr |
Makes 12 servings
Chocolate Cream:
Chocolate Cream: Start this the day before!
Assemble Cake:
* * * * *
Unless otherwise noted recipe, images and content © Just like Oma |
Here's the German recipe that Claudia sent in:
Eigelb und Zucker schaumig rühren. (Ich musste 6 Essl Wasser zu tuen ~ Oma Gerhild ) Mehl usw unterrühren. Zum Schluss Eiweiß unterheben. In eine Springform geben 180 Grad 1 Std. Auskühlen lassen.
Alles zusammen in einem Topf .bis die Schokolade geschmolzen ist. 1x aufkochen lassen. 24 Std in den Kühlschrank. Danach mit dem Handmixer steif schlagen.
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Pop right over to my private Facebook group, the Kaffeeklatschers. You'll find thousands of German foodies, all eager to help and to talk about all things German, especially these yummy foods.
Meet with us around Oma's virtual table, pull up a chair, grab a coffee and a piece of Apfelstrudel, and enjoy the visit.
Mar 26, 25 05:06 PM
Mar 10, 25 08:35 PM
Mar 09, 25 11:21 AM
For the full recipe, scroll up ...
Words to the Wise
"Enthusiasm without knowledge is no good; haste makes mistakes."
Proverbs 19:2 (NLT)