Nana's Potato Soup with Dumplings, aka Kartoffelsuppe mit Klösschen, was sent in by one of our readers, Nana from Witchita, KS, USA. Do read the notes added by Nana at the end of the recipe. She's even included dairy and gluten-free options!
She's trying to locate the origin of this soup. Perhaps you recognize it?
If you have an original or traditional German recipes, do send it in as well. We'd love to share it with our fellow readers!
Noodle-type Dumplings
Yes this potato soup with dumplings recipe sounds nearly like German noodle type; I added this recipe as nobody had heard about this noodle-dumpling at all in many big German, Polish and other European country luncheons I went to.
For sure, not with the milk/potato soup that I was raised on. Mom never gave it a name either. Many people told me to share this recipe everywhere I went. Perhaps someone will recognize an area in Europe it could be from. Maybe German-Bavaria area?
Plus, I just made the
dumpling-noodles with a homemade chicken vegetable soup adding brown
rice flour for the dumplings as we now are gluten free (wheat, rye,
barley,etc we avoid). Added the egg to center, and water to mix slowly
then dribble in the soup. The soup and noodle-dumplings turned out
about the same as with the white wheat flour kind.
Plus, I also
have used yams and sweet potatoes, for dumplings which turned out very
nice and moist instead of using white potatoes; these were using a
recipe from this website for cooked potato dumplings, with my twist to
it. These dumplings were great and similar to gnocchi type dumplings.
Then I tried the recipe that had rolled the potatoes dumplings and fried them in butter. This dumpling was really, really good.
compliment main meat to serve along with the dumplings, would be
oven-baked lamb. Daughter gave me a recipe, putting in Cafe liquor and
package of onion soup mix and leg of lamb course; putting oven at low
temp about 275 F degrees, then, baked for 1 to 2 hours in covered
casserole dish. It came out so tender fell right off bone, very quick
and easy to do.
Dairy or/& Gluten free ideas
Nana's Potato Soup with Dumplings, aka Kartoffelsuppe mit Klösschen, was sent in by one of our readers, Nana from Witchita, KS, USA.
Soup base
Dumpling base
Other ingredients are chopped carrots, onions, celery to potatoes that you cook together. Add more if want salt & pepper to taste, or before eating you also can add celery salt which is great also if you enjoy it; but, go sparingly with it
* * * * *
Unless otherwise noted recipe, images and content © Just like Oma |
06.11.2023 revision update
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Words to the Wise
"A person who is full refuses honey, but even bitter food tastes sweet to the hungry."
Proverbs 27:7 (NLT)