
Tourtière du Lac St-Jean

by Andre
(Longueuil, Qc, Canada)

There is no English name for this, but a translation would be Lac St-Jean Meat Pie.

Lac St-Jean being a region of Quebec in Canada. This meat pie (Tourtière du Lac St-Jean) is easy...but not quick.

It will definitely feed a whole bunch of people...and everyone will love it...unless they are vegetarian. Then they can have salad.


2 lbs each Beef, Pork and Chicken Breast (cut in 1cm or ½ inch cubes)

8 cups of potatoes (cut in 1cm or ½ inch cubes)

beef and chicken concentrate (½ cup each)

1 Pie crust recipe

Mix all the meats together and the beef and chicken concentrate. Let that marinate overnight.

Next day, roll out 2/3 of your dough to fit in a large roasting pan (I use a disposable turkey roasting pan for this, as cleaning this up is not pleasant).

Preheat oven to 450 degrees Fahrenheit.

Add the potatoes to the meat and thoroughly mix together, then empty that into your roasting pan. Fill the roasting pan with cold water to cover everything.

Take remaining 1/3 of the dough and roll that out and place on top of your tourtière du lac...then pinch around the top to seal.

Make a few incisions in the top to let the steam through.

Cook 1 hour at 450 degrees Fahrenheit.

Then reduce the heat to 250 degrees Fahrenheit and let it cook 7 hours...that's not a typo.

Take that out and enjoy...I do mean enjoy...this stuff is REALLY good.

Tourtière du Lac St-Jean is a Quebec staple...this is a wonderful winter meal...served with a great fresh bread and butter. Mmmmmmmmmmmm.

Comments for Tourtière du Lac St-Jean

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Dec 16, 2017
No salt
by: Anonymous

Adding salt while marinating only harden the meat, I add my salt before the cooking .

May 30, 2014
My recipe for Tourtiere du Lac St-Jean
by: Mary

Tourtiere du Lac St-Jean (Meat Pie)

There are tons of variation to this recipe - originally my mom would use game i.e. rabbit, moose or deer.

2 lbs pork, cut into small cubes
2 lbs beef round steak, cut into small cubes
4 skinless and boneless chicken breast halves, cut into small 

3 large onions, chopped 

5 lbs potatoes, peeled and diced
2 large rolled-out shortcrust pastry 

Salt and pepper 

Chicken broth

Preheat the oven to 200 °C (400°F).
In a large bowl, combine the meat, onions, and potatoes. Season with salt and pepper.
Line the bottom and sides of a large pot or roasting pan with one pie crust.
Add the meat and potato mixture. Add enough chicken broth to cover the meat. Cover with the second pie crust.
Cover and bake for about 1 hour or until the filling starts to boil.
Reduce the oven’s temperature to 170 °C (325 °F) and cook for about 3 hours. Add broth, as needed.
Reduce the oven’s temperature to 170 °C (300 °F) and cook for 1 to 2 hours.

Apr 29, 2013
by: Leslie

Could you add other vegetables to this dish, and when I put the meat and potatoes into the pan I have to fill the whole pan up with water so that it will cover then meat and potatoes correct? Then I add the pie crust to cover the whole thing, can I brush butter on top of the pie crust to give it a nice top.

Jan 31, 2013
by: Robert

Now what frenchman/woman would build a tortiere without using onions, salt, and pepper -- just a thought. I find the pie crust part pretty vague does one cover the top crust with water?????


- - - - -

Hi Robert,
Andre hasn't answered these comments, so I'm thinking by re-reading his recipe, that the water covers the ingredients before the crust is added. As far as seasoning, I'm thinking that the beef concentrate is usually heavily seasoned.

I'm with you, though, thinking that a bit more salt and pepper would probably be needed. Onions? These could always be added. They'd surely be cooked through by the time this dish is done.

Gerhild :-)

Dec 23, 2011
I come from there and it's delicious
by: Anonymous

Once you eat that you won't forget it. It's absolutely delicious, and great if you serve it on Christmas Eve with family and friends who will ask you for your recipe

Bon appétit et joyeux Noël !

Nov 29, 2011
by: Anonymous

Is there no salt and pepper in this recipe at all.
How deep is the water to be on top of the pie before you put the pie crust on?

Dec 15, 2010
by: Anonymous


You never answered her question . . . how much pastry . . can I use those frozen Tenderflake pies to make my pastry?

Jan 18, 2010
Interesting Party Recipe
by: Gerhild

This sounds very interesting! Something to try for a party for sure.

Question, Andre, about how much pastry to make? It looks like it'll need enough for about 4 regular sized pies to cover a roasting pan size. Does that sound about right?

The cooking time - I'm so glad you wrote that it wasn't a typo! It's not a quick recipe, but it looks easy. The regular tourtiere recipes that are baked in this way have an ingredient list that is very, very long, and a preparation time that takes hours! This one has that beat by far!

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