
Porzkuchen?? Phonetic

by Yvonne Garner
(Fenton MO USA)

Please help. I am looking for a recipe. Oma says it is a fried yeast dough rolled in sugar like a doughnut or funnel cake. Her mother made them for her birthday before they were driven out of Germany she grew up near Russian border.

When we go to Chinese buffet she comments that sugar coated biscuits on buffet are similar in taste.

She is 90 and I would like to make them for her next birthday as she talks about them often. Thanks for your help.

Comments for Porzkuchen?? Phonetic

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Dec 30, 2020
Porzkuchen search
by: Marianne

My Mutti made them in Berlin/Schoeneberg but we called them
"Nonnepfoerzchen", I do not have a recipe, but they were also called "Raderkuchen". Cut with the Radel about 1 1/4 inch wide x 5 inch long, slit down the middle 1 1/2 inch lengthways and then one end looped through the slit.
This might help in your research for a recipe.
I don't think it was a yeast dough?? Deep fried in
schwimmendem Fett in the Bratpfanne, and then rolled in granulated sugar. WAR LECKER !!!!

Jul 01, 2016
by: Anonymous

Does she mean krapfen

Jun 20, 2016
Check my Facebook page!
by: Gerhild

Hi Yvonne ... I've put your request on to my Facebook page ... and a lot of people are commenting on this and giving you ideas. Check it out ... it's the post from June 20 ... just in case you see this in a couple of days :)

If you can't access Facebook, then please send me a message using the Contact Oma form and I'll email you the comments.

Oma Gerhild

Jun 20, 2016
More information
by: Yvonne

I remember the name of the town she grew up in is Rastenburg in east Prussia it is now a town called ketrzyn, Prussia Polland. Thought that might help.

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