
muldesha (or Muldenshan)

by ANN

My father's mother made a dumpling type dish that he remembers as muldesha. She passed away 65 years ago (long before I was born). Have you ever heard of anything name this or something similar?

* * * * *

Hi Ann,

Interesting name. I've tried pronouncing it every which way with every type of German dialect I know, but I still can't figure out what this could be.

Do you have any idea what part of Germany your grandmother came from? That would certainly make the possibilities easier to find. Certainly with dumplings, the various regions of Germany have their favorites.

For example, the Bavarians LOVE their bread dumplings. My Mutti came from the Berlin area and she never, ever made anything like this. I grew up with potato dumplings made from raw potatoes -- my favorites. Later on, she experimented a bit and started to make them using cooked potatoes. They were easier and quicker to make.

Does your Dad remember anything else about this dumpling dish? I've been surprised at the various types of dumplings there are. Blood, marrow, liver, and of course, potato, and bread and many other combinations!

There are also dumplings called serviette dumplings, and, oh, so much more.

It would be great if we could solve this puzzle, and add that recipe to this site as well.

Hopefully, one of our readers will know this and pass on any information they have,


Comments for muldesha (or Muldenshan)

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Apr 05, 2017
by: Vera

Simone is right. Maultaschen are like a very large ravioli. I had them in a Restaurant filled with Sauerkraut and Goulash on the side. Was very tasty

May 12, 2016
Muldesha recipe
by: Anonymous

My grandmother made this quite often. I have made it since she passed. My brother-in-law will eat it for breakfast. Lots of work to make but definitely worth the effort.

Jun 25, 2014
mehltaschen recipe
by: fran from canada

I don't know if this is the recipe you are looking for--it is from an old German cook book
MEHLTASCHEN (We used to say mi tosh in)
One cup mashed potatoes (very cold with the butter,cream and salt mashed in)
1/2 cup lard(I use Tenderflake now but Grandma used home rendered lard)
2 cups flour==1tsp salt==1tsp baking powder=1/4 cup cream.
Mix as a pie dough.Keep it light and fluffy so do not evermix.Roll out into a rectangle shape to fit into a well buttered pan.In the middle of this place a row of cut fruit(apples and lots of cinnamon))that have been sweetened to taste.Fold dough over the fruit to make a tight pocket.Press all sides together well .Place in pan side by side cut several slits on top-butter well and brush some cream over each layer-use only butter and cream -do not use margene.Bake at 500 degrees for 1/2-3/4 hour or until golden crispy brown

May 03, 2014
by: Simone

I am writing from a small town near Stuttgart, Germany- besides Schnitzel and Spätzle, MAULTASCHEN are our famous national dish!!! The first spelling "muldesha" is in Swabian dialect that we speak in Baden-Württemberg, the spelling in parentheses is the same in high-German pronunciation. Maultaschen are like giant ravioli, noodle dough on the outside and a mix of meat and spinach on the inside. Served in broth, with onions on top or fried with egg. A must is home-made Swabian (warm) potato salad.
Your ancestors must have been from Baden-Württemberg (capital is Stuttgart-world headquarters of Mercedes and Porsche). Maultaschen are served in virtually ervery guesthouse around.
Greetings from Maultaschenland, Simone

Jan 11, 2013
Mystery solved
by: Jason

We were way off... What we were having is Maultasche. At least thats what my aunt found out at a German meat market down the street from her

Jan 02, 2013
Need that Recipe!
by: Gerhild

Yes, Jason, please pass on that recipe. I've had several other people email me as well looking for this.

Don't worry if it's in German. I can translate it.

I'd really also like to have some idea where this is from. It is really unusual to have so many people asking for it at the same time. Is this a traditional dish for Christmas or New Year's in a certain part of Germany?

Also, if anyone has pictures of this, that would be great! You can send them in as well.


Jan 02, 2013
had this for New Years
by: Jason

My mom just made this for New Years. She has an old recipe from her grandmother (it may be in German). It was really good. Not sure where it comes from. Both her and my aunt said they asked German speaking people about it and they get a blank stare. I think it was basically ground beef and onions inside a dough dumpling. I can get the recipe if you need it.

Dec 30, 2012
by: Doug

My grandmother made this as well and is one of my uncle's favorite recipes. She has passed but I am trying to find anyone in my family that still has the recipe...

Keep u posted


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