
Regional Traditional German Food – traditionelles deutsches Essen

Oma Gerhild

by: Gerhild Fulson  / Using her extensive experience and cultural knowledge, Oma Gerhild provides trusted, authentic, and easy-to-follow German recipes both here and in her many cookbooks.


Authentic regional and traditional German food is a wonderful way to pass on your German culture or to experience something new. 

Many people think that German food is just sausages and sauerkraut, washed down with some beer. In actuality, it is SO MUCH MORE.

There are certain German foods that are the most popular and the ones that are missed the most by those living in other countries.

Traditional Regional German Foods

Map of Germany

Since Germany is divided into more than 50 regions that are based on landscape and geography, the foods eaten in each region differs greatly from one area to the next.

Politically, there are sixteen federal states and each one is unique in its history and cuisine. 

Part of this hodgepodge of historical backgrounds is what makes German cuisine such an interesting mix of flavors, ingredients, methods, and tastes.

The countries that surround present-day Germany have been a real influence on what is eaten in that region. Not the same, but a direct influence.

Curious what the differences are? Let's travel to each one. Ready?

Click on the maps, below, to start your culinary journey!

German Federal States and their German Foods

Since I've visited all of these German states, I'll be able to pass on tidbits of information and interesting things I've learned. There's also a section for the favorite foods, especially related to the agriculture of the area. 

German Meals at Omas Cookbook

If you're wanting to have a book that's filled with regional German cuisine, you'll find this one that's almost like a travelogue.

I spent a year doing the researching, and then all the cooking, writing, traveling and eating to finalize the book. 

Filled with tidbits of regional info relating to the recipes, full-color photos, and step-by-step instructions, you'll enjoy not only cooking but also just reading this.

You'll find recipes such as Blumenkohl-Bombe (Cauliflower Bomb), Schmandschnitzel (Schnitzel with Cream Sauce), Labskaus (Corn Beef Hash), Pfefferpotthast (Peppered Beef Stew), and Krustenbraten (Roast Pork) ... all written in English, with both English (US) and metric measurements.

Take a peek at the book here ...

What others are saying about German Meals at Oma's 

To those who don’t know Gerhild, she’s the Oma who put German cuisine on the map with her highly popular website,

Oma dispelled, with great skill, my stereotypical view of beige-y sauce over beige-y sausage with beige-y sauerkraut and beige-y potatoes and finally – beige-y taste.

I thought all German cuisine was the same – sausage. Boy was I wrong. Beautifully photographed, Oma’s recipes taste as scrumptious as they look. Look out France, Spain and Italy. A new major European cuisine is about to give you a run for our palates!

➤ Ken Evoy, MD, Founder of and creator of Solo Build It!

Gerhild’s Just Like Oma website has always been a go-to when I’m searching for German recipes that taste like home, so I’m absolutely delighted that her fabulous recipes have been captured in book form.

This beautiful cookbook is loaded with regional recipes and mouthwatering photographs. Best of all, there are tips to insure that your dishes taste just like Oma’s. German Meals at Oma's is destined to be a kitchen essential for all German-American kitchens

➤ Karen Lodder

Author of German Girl in America

I have followed Gerhild’s recipes for many years. Her recipes are similar to the ones I grew up eating from my German heritage. I have found her recipes to be authentic and easy to understand.

In Gerhild’s book, German Meals at Oma’s, I like how she divided the recipes by regions of Germany. I also love her pictures and little tips given about the recipes. These are great for the readers!

I recommend this book for all cooks; beginners and experienced.

➤ Frances Peffly Moore, Author of Painless Cooking

If you love German food and want to explore preparing some memorable German meals at home, then you need the new cookbook German Meals at Oma’s. Her recipes are authentic, and she truly has an amazing assortment included from sauerbraten to spätzle and everything in between.

This is really one of the BEST German cookbooks to come out in a long time.

➤ Mary Marshall, Cooking with Mary and Friends and Food Columnist with Camden Living Magazine

States versus Regions of Germany

Germany is made up of the above mentioned 16 federal states. However, Germans really like to be identified with a region, of which there are more or less than 50 different ones, such as the Black Forest, the Spreewald, and the Alps. These are usually geographical areas that are differentiated from each other due to their landscape. 

Check out the Top 10 German recipes especially if you're wanting to celebrate with traditional yummy foods. 

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Pop right over to my private Facebook group, the Kaffeeklatschers. You'll find thousands of German foodies, all eager to help and to talk about all things German, especially these yummy foods. 

Meet with us around Oma's virtual table, pull up a chair, grab a coffee and a piece of Apfelstrudel, and enjoy the visit.

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Words to the Wise

"The godly care about the rights of the poor; the wicked don't care at all."

Proverbs 29:7 NLT

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PHOTOGRAPHY: Throughout my site, you'll find mostly photos that I've taken in my kitchen. I also feature some reader-contributed images and curated stock IMAGES BY Deposit Photos and others, offering further perspectives on recipes and all things German.