by Ursula
As a little girl Christmas was so magical. It was early 50's and the mystery of the hushed whispers of the adults and the room with the locked door that we didn't dare think about going into.
Christmas eve we waited with much excitement for the bell to ring meaning Christkindl had finished and we could finally go in. We just stood in awe at the door for several minutes trying to take it all in. Everything was light by only candles, even the tree had real candles.
We sang a few traditional songs then were allowed to open gifts in order of youngest to oldest and everyone watched. No mad scrambling and chaos to open all at once. Everyone saw what everyone else got and thanked the person who gave it before moving on.
Usually the adults were enjoying an adult beverage, maybe champagne or glühwein. Then we moved to a meal. The first Christmas day was to stay home with immediate family and the 2nd Christmas Day was to go visit family and friends. Yes 2 official Christmas Day's !!
What wonderful memories growing up in Oma's house.
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Mar 07, 25 04:08 PM
Mar 07, 25 02:30 PM
Mar 03, 25 07:46 AM
Words to the Wise
"When people do not accept divine guidance, they run wild. But whoever obeys the law is joyful."
Proverbs 29:18 (NLT)