
Oma's Traditional German Christmas

Oma Gerhild

by: Gerhild Fulson  / Using her extensive experience and cultural knowledge, Oma Gerhild provides trusted, authentic, and easy-to-follow German recipes both here and in her many cookbooks.

Old-fashioned German Christmas Celebration. ❤️Click on to get recipes and more!

Below are German Christmas recipes and other holiday recipes to make celebrating "Christmas in Germany" a possibility, no matter where you are in the world.

Celebrating Christmas in Germany is such a feast for your senses. Every part of your being is affected - from the sights to behold, the scents to savor, and the tastes to enjoy.

Your spirit is renewed in the reason for the season, and your body is enveloped by the pleasures that only Christmas can fulfill.

Walking through a German village decorated for Weihnachten (Christmas) is amazing. The houses look like traditional gingerbread houses.

The Christmas Markets are well-stocked with all kinds of German Christmas foods as well as wood carvings and decorations for the Weihnachtsbaum (Christmas tree).

Old-fashioned German Christmas Market. ❤️Click on to get recipes and more!


It's also time to either make or buy an Advent wreath, aka  Adventskranz. This is made of evergreen twigs and decorated with pine cones, little red mushrooms, and ribbons.

There are four candles: the first one is lit on the last Sunday in November, and then another candle on each successive Sunday before Christmas.

In the photo above, my Mutti (second on the left) and her Mutti and sisters are sitting around an Adventskranz, the centerpiece for their Christmas coffee.

(Wish I knew what delicious German Christmas recipes are displayed on the table.) The purpose for Advent? To prepare for the coming of Jesus.


The Advent calendar is a real treat for kids. With 24 numbers on little doors that get opened according to the date, it’s an easy way for children to count down the days until Christmas Eve.

Behind each little door is usually a picture of a toy. The newer Advent calendars are much more enjoyable - chocolates are behind each door!

St. Nicholas Day

Another way of celebrating Christmas in Germany happens on December 6th. The night before, children put their shoes (the largest they can find) at their bedside.

The next morning, thanks to Saint Nicholas (St. Nick), the shoes are filled with all kinds of delicious treats, usually edible, but sometimes little toys as well. (Is this where the idea of the American Christmas stocking comes from?)

My friend, Renate, has a delightful article, "Childhood Memories Of German Christmas Customs" in which she talks about this "Santa Claus Day".

Weihnachtsabend (December 24)

The last preparation for Christmas is the Weihnachtsbaum (Christmas tree). Put up the morning of the 24th, it's decorated with nuts, cookies, apples, tinsel, and real candles. The room with the tree was kept out of sight from the children.

After the Christmas Eve Church service, the candles (lights) are lit. A bell is rung.

The children are finally  allowed to enter into the room to behold the tree . . . and the presents hidden underneath!

Old-fashioned German Christmas Celebration. ❤️Click on to get recipes and more!

The room is filled with all kinds of fragrances. Plates of Christmas cookies, marzipan, chocolates, and Christmas stollen are accompanied with bowls of fruits.

Gingerbread House

There's always a Gingerbread House to nibble on, a traditional treat was reminiscent of the Hansel and Gretel Fairy Tale.

Ours came in many shapes and themes. Unlike the modern gingerbread houses, mine were always solid cake. Not just a shell held together with icing.

Old-fashioned German Christmas Gingerbread House. ❤️Click on to get recipes and more!

I've made forts. I've made winter scenes. I've made zoos. I wish I had made photos of them all.  Above is the only photo I have of one of the first gingerbread houses I made.

Now, the rest are just memories! What I do recall is that there were fun to make and fun to eat!

In fact, there are so many memories of the flavors of Christmas, whenever I start to bake, I'm transported back into the kitchen with Mutti! What fun we had making all the Christmas goodies. 

Celebrate Christmas ... German-style

Enjoy the above German Christmas Baking recipes for your dessert table as you are celebrating Christmas in Germany where ever you are in the world.

Frohe Weihnachten!

German Christmas Memories

Do you have memories of celebrating Christmas in Germany?
Or perhaps you or your parents brought their German traditions with them, and you celebrated a German Christmas in other parts of the world.

Share your memories including the FOOD!

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"For the Son of Man came to seek and save those who are lost."

Luke 19:10 (NLT)

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