
Air Fryer Asparagus (Spargel für Luftfritteuse)

Lydia Fulson - author

by: Lydia Fulson  /  Writer, Artist, Traveler, Granddaughter & Ever-Learning German Cook

The delicious roasted asparagus made easily in the air fryer!The delicious roasted asparagus made easily in the air fryer! While white asparagus is a German delicacy, this green asparagus does just fine... Lecker!

This air fryer asparagus recipe, Spargel für Luftfritteuse, will have you craving Spring's bounty of this wonderful veggie. Germany has a love affair with white asparagus, but green asparagus is yummy as well.

I made this wunderbar roasted asparagus in the Instant Vortex Plus Air Fryer Oven. I love this air fryer, especially when it comes to roasting veggies.

There are so many different ways to make asparagus. You could grill it, roast it, season it, or leave it as is. But however you choose to make it, asparagus is healthy and incredibly yummy no matter what.

You'd commonly see white asparagus rather than green in German cuisine. But it can be rather hard to come across here if you're not looking in the right places.

I couldn't find it in my small town stores, but I'll keep looking for the gorgeous white asparagus so I can make it in the air fryer for you guys. Not only will there be pictures, but also a recipe for how to make it.

White asparagus does have to be made a little bit differently than green, but never fear! I'll show you how! Then I can introduce my family to it as well, it will be our first time trying this kind, but from what Oma has told me, it's just as lecker.

So ... stay tuned for a yummy white asparagus recipe!

A is for Asparagus - eCookBook
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The Best German Seasonings For Veggies

I chose my two new favorite seasonings for this recipe, paprika and garlic salt. Oma got me into loving paprika when we made the air fryer rotisserie chicken together! Not only is it delicious, but it packs a nice punch of flavor. It also adds lovely red color, and best of all, it's very German!

There's no right or wrong way to season foods. It's all up to your preference. I'm fairly new to using lots of spices/seasonings. But my go-to's always include garlic salt and paprika. 

Adding some of my favorite spices and seasonings to my yummy asparagus before popping them into the fryer!Adding some of my favorite spices and seasonings to my yummy asparagus before popping them into the fryer!

If you're looking to use more German-style ways to flavor your favorite dish, spices such as nutmeg, caraway seeds, ginger, dill, and mustard are amazing choices. 

No matter how you choose to season your asparagus, it will always add a pop of color to any dish. That vibrant green is so inviting!

Spargel / Asparagus Season In Germany

When it comes to asparagus, white is the favorite among most German cities. Green asparagus tends to be tougher in texture compared to white.

Many German restaurants will rotate their menus during seasons. Mushrooms are often the staple for the fall months, and when asparagus season comes around, it sure is popular!

White asparagus season doesn't last as long as green asparagus season. You can find green asparagus from February - June, and white asparagus season often ranges from April - June.

The amazingly known and praised German white asparagus! Looks beautiful and lecker.The amazingly known and praised German white asparagus! Looks beautiful and lecker.


In fact, we Germans love this asparagus so much that we have a festival to celebrate it! Did you know that? 

In the historic town of Beelitz, there is a tradition that has been around for decades. The great Spargelfest of Germany! Asparagus farmers and guests from all over come to see the shows, dances, magnificent floats, and of course, eat lots of asparagus.

I know what you're thinking ... all of this hassle ... for asparagus??? That's right! White asparagus is such a delicacy in German cuisine, and due to its short season, it's worth being celebrated! It is definitely something to add to the bucket list. You'll never look at asparagus as a simple side veggie again.

"White Gold" is another name for white asparagus that you'll hear a lot while you're there. Yep, it's so good that they compare it to gold. No wonder it's celebrated so highly!

Ready To Air Fry Asparagus?

Air Fryer Asparagus Recipe - Spargel für Luftfritteuse

Lydia's air fryer asparagus recipe will have you craving Spring's bounty of this wonderful veggie. Germany has a love affair with white asparagus, but green asparagus is yummy as well.

Prep Time:

10 minutes

Cook Time:

20 minutes

Total Time:

30 minutes


4 servings


  • 1 pound asparagus
  • 1 tablespoon olive oil
  • 1/4 cup bacon bits
  • 1/4 cup parmesan cheese
  • 2 teaspoons garlic salt
  • 2 teaspoons paprika


  1. Preheat air fryer to 400°F on roast.
  2. Wash asparagus. Cut or snap the bottom ends off. Usually about 1 to 2 inches should snap off.
  3. Lay in a single layer on air fryer baking tray and brush with olive oil.
  4. Sprinkle with garlic salt and paprika, then with parmesan cheese and bacon.
  5. Roast on middle rack of fryer for 5 to 7 minutes.
  6. Serve right away and enjoy this lecker veggie!


  • Use whatever spices and seasonings you'd like for your asparagus. It's all up to preference!
  • Serve alongside the famous air fryer schnitzel for an all-around easy German meal.
  • Traditionally the asparagus would use plain salt, but I like the extra flavor of adding garlic salt.
  • I know parmesan cheese isn't German, but it really fits well here. Omit if you'd like.
  • If you have a different air fryer, follow the manufacturer's recommendations for adjusting temperatures and times.

*  *  *  *  *

Unless otherwise noted recipe, images and content © Just like Oma |

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Lydia's air fryer asparagus recipe will have you craving Spring's bounty of this wonderful veggie. Germany has a love affair with white asparagus, but green asparagus is yummy as well.

Air Fryer Asparagus Recipe - Spargel für Luftfritteuse

by Air Fryer Asparagus Recipe ~ Spargel für Luftfritteuse
Lydia's air fryer asparagus recipe will have you craving Spring's bounty of this wonderful veggie. Germany has a love affair with white asparagus, but green asparagus is yummy as well.

Ingredients: asparagus, olive oil, parmesan cheese, bacon, garlic salt, paprika,

For the full recipe, scroll up ...

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