by Tina
Hallo, endlich einmal die deutschen Weihnachtsbräuche richtig erklärt, (denn in keinem deutschen Baum hängt eine Gurke wie so oft behauptet), danke dafür.Noch zu erwähnen, in den meisten Familien gibt es am heiligen Abend Kartoffelsalat und Würstchen.
Viele Grüße
Hello, finally for once the German Christmas traditions properly explained, (since on no German tree does a pickle hang as is so often declared), thank you for that. Also, want to mention that in most families, on Christmas Eve, they have potato salad and sausages.
Best Wishes
Thank you, Tina, for your kind words. I was surprised to learn about the Christmas pickle. I needed to google it and find out, since I had heard something about it, but thought it was just in joke.
If you look at Wikipedia , it tells an interesting story why they think the American Christmas pickle came from Germany.
I like knowing about having potato salad and sausage for Christmas Eve. Sound so very German.
Thanks for sharing with us, Tina.
Gerhild Fulson
Comments for 24. Dezember
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Words to the Wise
"When people do not accept divine guidance, they run wild. But whoever obeys the law is joyful."
Proverbs 29:18 (NLT)