After the potatoes have cooled, peel and grate with grater onto a hard floured surface. Add salt and a little pepper if preferred. Add one egg and one cup flour.
Start to knead together until the dough stays together, adding flour as necessary.
When the dough stays in a ball, cut a piece of the dough and start to make a long snake, again using flour when necessary. When the dough is about the length of a ruler and the width of a quarter, cut it in about ½ inch pieces and roll one more time in a little flour just to dust them.
Add to boiling water with a little salt. When the dumplings rise to the top of the pot that means they are done, but just check. If the inside is done, they will look solid and chewy. Then you know they are done. Take out of the pot and place in bowl or container. Enjoy with stew, rouladen, or any other type of meat.
This was my mother's recipe who came from Germany and passed this down to me.
Hi, I'm Oma Gerhild! As a food writer and cookbook author, I'm always looking to find ways to pass on my German heritage using local ingredients. Quick and easy. That's my goal. Wunderbar food. That's the result.
As a German-American that is a bit culinarily challenged, this book is a true blessing...
This classic cookbook (German Meals at Oma's) has not only a variety of different recipes, but also key notes to help even those with little experience in the kitchen learn to make excellent German cuisine.
Erika Neumayer Ehrat, Owner & designer of Rare Dirndl
Across media platforms, Just Like Oma is celebrated for making German cooking simple, fast, and fun for everyone!